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Hey, thanks for the reply.

I'm through with the game and liked it, especially the part with Selena having two sex-scenes,  being a girl, the author playing with words and getting philosophical, "me" getting deeper feelings for girls, different endings.. Although, like I already said, the game feels a little rushed from time to time.

What I missed are a brief glimpse of where the journey goes, or a fade out of the screen - and Credits. The game simply jumped back to the main-menu.

Also, the achievement-button in the main-menu is in Russian/Cyrillic.

Keep on doing your thing, 

Cheers, John

Thanks again!
What a pity that our testers are so inattentive.
> where the journey goes
The hero himself does not know where he will get this time. But I will reveal a secret - to the world of magic, elves and centaurs. Wait for the chapter III - Mega City))