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Kevin Hsu - Cursed Cruise feedback

Sometimes the thought bubbles were a bit hard to follow. The bubbles for my player didn't come out of my player, which made it seem like it came from something else, so it would be helpful for the thought bubbles to be placed closer to the object they came from so there's no confusion (ex. the bubbles from the tv and my player were in the center of the screen so that got confusing). 

For the overheard conversation it could be helpful to distinguish the voices speaking (maybe italics or something) so it doesn't feel like one person talking to themselves (unless that's what's happening!)

The game was really well made! I liked the way I could interact with everything and the dialogue throughout the game really kept the story going. 

It was pretty quiet besides a few things that made noise, so it might be cool to include music/background noise to set the tone of the game. 

I really liked this slice of the game! Excited for more to be developed!

-Nylah DePass