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looking for a team

A topic by ChickensioDev created May 22, 2020 Views: 945 Replies: 3
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i am a 3d intermediate programmer looking for a team! I have made 2 games! Pack-man and 1 i am working on called mirrors(beta test on my page) but i have less experience in 2d

Hi Gallium! Is 2D something you'd be willing to work in? I have an artist with me and I am a musician, so if we all came together, we could probably make something cool!


sorry already found one

Deleted 3 years ago

Hey Boostatu! We did actually, but we may be able to add another programmer! I will message the group! (We've signed up for the I Can't Draw jam though. Would you be willing to work on that one? The theme is the beach)

Deleted 4 years ago