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Thank you so much. It brought us so much reading your comment. It's so amazing meeting so many passionate Shadowgate fans on here. When I (Jeff) was younger I eagerly anticipated the 4th entry in the NES series and predicted it would be on a space station, but when it never came, I was sad that the sub-genre kinda died off. Cut to many years later and we decided lets make it ourselves for fun and take a nostalgic trip. We actually thought that only a handful of people would play it and we never thought we would get so many amazing messages from awesome people :D

As for the criticisms and suggestions; they're all spot on and excellent ideas. We LOVE receiving constructive criticism and feedback, it's made us want to revisit Infested for a while now in order to do some tweeking here and there, which we may yet still do. We actually considered reworking the Chemical puzzle so that you NEED to use a slime sample on the slide and microscope first before dumping any of the chemicals. 

The blood pack "...for the moment" quote is actually something I never really thought of beyond "This'll make the player sweat". But I like the idea of it being satiated and stop moving unless you disturb it. 

As for the typos; no need to do a pass, we've already done that, but we really appreciate the offer. That means a lot

Thanks again for your comment, it means the world to us to read stuff like this and hear about other fans of the sub genre. Also, thanks for the video, I'll be checking that out very shortly.

Hope you enjoy Spectacle, if you're a fan of Uninvited than there's a few treats in there for you :D