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You did a wonderful job in 72 hours, damn!

The only thing I didn't love about this was that it was so short. I've seen another commenter say it, but I agree—you have something really special here, and I hope you consider fleshing it out a bit more. It's a wonderful experience that isn't bogged down by too many mechanics, and I love the premise of the entire thing. You can tell you took it seriously.

Anyways, thanks a lot for making it. I saw you plan on finishing the level at least, I'll definitely play it, but please consider expanding a bit! Even a 15 minute experience would be a better taste of this neat underwater world.

Here is my Lumps Play, hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed your creation:

Lumps Plays is pop-up commentary. No voiceovers, but pop-ups. Remember Vh1 videos? Check it out—you'll like it :D

Deleted 4 years ago

I don't murder things and I hate poetry. So I guess I don't agree. Hahaha.