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The 3D art is beautiful in the game and it makes the world feel very interesting.

Some feedback:  (I couldn't find the maze in the first section so i only have the blues feedback..)

  • Couldn't figure out where the maze was in the azul(darker) side, I might have missed some visual queues or it isn't clear
  • the background music in the azul side seemed a bit out of place as it reminded me of a bar instead of a town.
  • The lighting seemed really dark in the first section (probably also dark in the second)  even though the sky is clear and blue

Looking forward to where the game goes :)

(1 edit)

Hello, thank you so much for playing the first build of our game and also for providing us with feedback! 

We are glad to hear that you enjoyed the 3D art in our game!

Apologies if you could not find the maze, we are still working to implement lots of changes into the next build, and aim to help direct the players  in the future so that quest items and locations are more easily found!

In regard to the rest of your feedback, we will make sure that the lighting of the world is more fitting in the future!

Thanks again for your feedback, please stay tuned for more updates soon to come!