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Hello, so far the game looks and sounds amazing. It is giving me Ocarina of time vibes, maybe OoT would have been similar to this if Nintendo went through with making it first person. I am not new to doom modding at all, but I had a real quick set of questions, they are more quality of life things, not having to do with game mechanics. If you could take the time to answer these I would appreciate it. 

Would you recommend jumping in this game? If so what key do you bind it to?

How to I turn off auto run/sprint by default? The options interface is different than what I'm used to.

I think that is pretty much it, I don't remember having a third question. Thank you for your time.

Oh, I almost forgot. I drag and drop the pk3 file onto "gzdoom" and then I am given the option to launch "doom 2" or "memoirs of magic". Which one do you run when you play the game?  Lastly, do you recommend mouse look as well?