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Chapter 5 of Version Fille is now available !

This is a big chapter that you can complete in 3.5 hours. You will be playing the antagonists of Version Fille, invading the city of Moidoute and do some cleaning of peaceful tribes in the mountains.

The chapter 5 is the biggest chapter of Version Fille. It is divided in 4 parts where you play the bad guys of Version Fille. Get to know more about them and invade a big city by using psychological warfare like using red smoke, explosion sounds or torture threats to scare the civilians away. Fight the main cast, defeat those who protects the weak and face a legendary hero to achieve your goal. Or at least try to...

As for what was changed between the first french version and the new english version:
- I changed a bit of dialogs that didn't make much sense in the french version. Story is still the same, I just fixed the inconsistencies.
- Because of a change on a character in chapter 3, there is also a small change with this character in chapter 5.
- I removed a puzzle that involved cannon balls. This puzzle was boring and very long. It didn't add anything to the game.
- Teros has been added to tell stories and expand the universe of Version Fille again!

Please enjoy the game! Share and comment if you like it!

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