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Geez, this game. I can’t express my words well enough to even manage to DESCRIBE how good of a job you did!! I have never seen anything like this, or this good, and would love to see more and wish people could look at your work as an example ;) I honestly can’t wait for the next update, and feel like I’m waiting for a song or movie to be released!! I really hope this won’t be a one time project, and hope you will make more of these!!!

wow, thanks a lot. I really do want to redefine the genre here. Although the game takes some time to get started, I hope where the story has gone made up for some of the early newbie hiccups--had zero idea what I was doing. I have some other ideas for projects but one thing at a time--I'm not very good at multitasking with things like this. Glad you liked it though and it means a lot that you took the time to express the impact :)

Don’t worry, keep up the good stuff! By the way, the later chapters definitely make up the first chapters! Hope this story progressed is amazing! Hope you are doing great!

Thanks a lot. I'd never written anything before. Feel like I'm getting the hang of it and I got a good coach