Version Fille Chapter 4 is now available!
This chapter had a lot to translate because the city and the dungeon where the heroines are going to are filled with NPC and a huge ton of object to interact with. Even the most ridiculous one. You can talk to trees and to boxes in this chapter, and there's a lot of them.
This Chapter 4 is also a big chapter story wise as one of the big plot of the game is being unveiled.

As for any change or added content:
I added Teros again in this chapter and there's a huge chance that Teros will be present in every chapter from there. Her role won't change. She's there to tell stories about the world of Version Fille and fix small plot holes here and there.
Otherwise, nothing much changed. It was mostly a straight translation from french to english for this Chapter 4.
Anyway! I hope you'll like this Chapter 4 and have a ton of fun!
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