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Pretty cute experience this is. 

I liked the clean art, the platforming controls felt  quite good. 

Controls overall where a bit over the place, I felt like. I had trouble selecting answers, pretty much throughout the game and on some points I gave answers without even being able to see what I had selected. 

The Items collected were a neat Idea, getting a little something for each friend you met, some Items where super useful, ( the pillow? was borderline Overpowered haha) while others I found to be included as a one off joke (the fart[?] from the mole or sneezing from rabbit) 

In the rabbits case it halted my Gameplay a bit, trying to figure out if it had any effect on anything, like the pillow jump. Next I thought, maybe it's for solving puzzles down the road, which would have made it pretty similar to our game actually.

Hope I don't rub you the wrong way saying it like that, but I think feedback has to be a bit harsh to be effective, I wouldn't write such an intricate review if the game was bad, after all! :) 


Adherence to Theme 
  • Was excellent. Hard to miss.
Game Design 
  • It's pretty solid for what it is, little cute journey you can go through, but without the Story, the Gameplay would've been very inconsequential, which is probably better for a Jam game than a game that is too hard. 
  • I found some key-binds where inconveniently placed and moving with the arrow keys felt wrong  after years of WASD.  For example I could sneeze with W but had to reach aaaaaaall the way to p for a double jump, which I think was used once to close a gap and get another Item, when In essence that could've been done by pressing jump twice, realistically.  
  • Some Platforms where frustratingly placed. Most jumps weren't hard at all, due to the first upgrade being a high jump but I hit my head quite a few times along the road, which could've felt better on the long run.
  • Very Original Character Designs and the collection mechanics where quite unique I thought. 
  • The Story was fitting and pretty upfront, the conclusion gets one thinking a bit.
  • The Gameplay overall was inspired by the greats, which may seem unoriginal but I think it's something that doesn't need to be new all the time, as long as it's executed as well as it is here.
  • Very nice, crisp Pixel art. Good color use, I could always make out Background, Foreground and Characters.
  • Bit small the canvas (I couldn't play in Full Screen?) so it was hard to make out what some characters where looking like on the first glance.

Thank you for the absolutely amazing feedback! We really appreciate the time and effort you put into the review! This is our first game jam and my first time making a game and it's feedback like this that really helps us learn and improve for the future.

One of the lessons we learned that your review nicely highlights is that even on the tight deadline of a game jam we need to reevaluate some concepts and ideas when the scope of the game changes. Our vision for this was grand, we had crazy ideas like filling the game up with items, enough to require the whole keyboard to use all of it in one run, for the hell and fun of it, with enough NPCs to supply them and levels to try the items out and experiment. We correctly scaled it scale down to what will fit in the deadline, but did not take the time to reevaluate the game design to take that new scope into account. Leaving us using the top line of keys on the keyboard instead of shifting them to a more useable position.

And sadly the level design was very rushed to get it done in time, and suffered because of it. Also it didn't allow for all of the items and features to really get used and have their chance to shine. This I appreciate more now that I get to hear it from others. Having worked on it, I knew how everything worked (or is supposed to), but without a proper environment and levels to experience those features, they get missed despite the time we spent on them to get them just right.
We're going to revisit this and fix some of these issues, put that final polish on the game we feel it deserves, plus full screen so everyone gets to see the gorgeous art that Bertie made clearly!


I am very glad you didn't took my "little essay" not too harsh. I enjoyed the game a lot, which is why I wanted to help improve it in the ways that I can. Reading through your reply really makes me stoked for an updated version! 

I thought the little ending Skit was quite Novel... In Germany we call it "Gesamtkunstwerk" :D It came together quite nice although I can feel the scope creep. My last Game Jam (Which was also my first one) we had so much going on... I was positively overwhelmed. We couldn't finish it in time although we managed to get it playable. This time we made a more concise and finished experience first and tried to add stuff afterwards, which worked much better! But since I had more time doing focused artwork I took too much of a burden on me once again.  I designed the Starting area first (the general layout was already designed) and we both fell in love with the visuals and tried to create an entire map that looks like this and is varied. 

I couldn't. So in a way I saw your game reflect that but from another point. Your artwork is better fitting and more focused than mine (I am pretty new to art anyways) but where we had trouble with the big varied map not looking like a mess of colors, you had trouble clamping the mechanics into a concise experience. Something to be learned from your game for me and you there haha.