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(3 edits)

16 year old me lmao im rlly rlly sorry for this random stuff 

Whats changed (thx for the idea lemonn)

Not a total b*ch

Longer hair that isnt tangled 

Better big sister 

Stays quiet in class because nobody wants to listen anyway

No more anger issues 

Make up maybe


C o n f i d e n c e 

Whats stayed the same 

W e e b

Still has the same friends 

Has cats! (Just one by now though)

A m a z i n g sense of style (lmao no)

still is number one at hugging 

Eats Spicy chicken nuggies 

*gasp* the h*cking spicy chickie nuggies (aka kacchan's favorite food haha)

Stan Bakugo.

Y e s !