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Mining bug

A topic by Aryman created Apr 23, 2020 Views: 169 Replies: 2
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Just letting you know there's a difference between the amount of  materials I should get and the amount I'm really getting.

For example, I hit the stone - it shows I gained 8 points , but in my toolbar it increases only by 1 or 2 points.


Hello, I’m not really sure about exactly what you mean so I’m going to take a guess here. I assume what you are talking about is mining a stone node. Once it breaks you get resources. I’m guessing that the 8 you are referring to is on the pickup UI on the bottom left side of the screen. But the number you are only seeing increase by 1 or 2 is on your hotbar at the bottom of the screen.

So, the pickup UI is made to show you what you are picking up in the game (or whatever gravitates towards your player and is collected in this case). So for the pickup UI, each time you pick something up the game will either make a new box and icon to show you what you got, or if you’ve picked up that object recently it will refresh the box and icon that already exists and just increment the number on it. Since this UI takes about 2 seconds to actually fade away completely it’s likely that as you mine multiple rocks and get 1 or 2 stone each time the UI just keeps refreshing and incrementing the number hence why you see an 8 but you only get 1 or 2. Basically it’s just an accumulating tracker, you’ve gotten 8 in total recently.

This could be a bug, but I find it unlikely given how much the player picks up items in this game. I would think someone or myself would have noticed mismatch long before now. If you can can get the bug to repeat however let me know and I’ll look into it.

Sorry I explained it so poorly, English is not my first language and I'm still struggling sometimes.

I figured out it shows collective amount of material I gathered, that's why I think it was a bug. I was checking both pickup UI and the amout of stone in my toolbar, because my progress was far slower than usually, and there was a difference - I was picking just one stone at a time and the UI showed I should get more.

Today everything seems alright tho. Not sure what happened, but I'll let you know if the issue reappears.  Also, thanks for answering, you're doing an amazing job.