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Thank you for your thoughtful response.  What I'm basically looking for is a short keyword to add to the top of a step or draw call just to keep things short. So something like 

live_load // or some other name, just an example.

/// Code proceeds here to be live reloaded

Something like that would reduce the amount of effort to add livey-ness to any particular step, instead of trying to remember the 3 liner, or keeping it in your clipboard or whatever. I don't know if macros are necessary for this -- it sounds like you are onto something, perhaps this would be worthy of an opt-in preparser tag, eh? That would be le epic.  Whatever you think makes most sense. 


What I've done is create an AutoHotkey script that types in the phrase for me.

If you want to copy it, the code is:

Send if (live_call()) return live_result;

You can activate the hotkey with Ctrl+D. It may not be the best ahk code but it works well enough for me.


Thanks! I'm glad it worked