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I'm missing something because I don't know how to play : I'm in the first room, and can move, use my sword, cast fireballs and use the inventory to select some crystals but I'm stuck. I've tried to use my sword or cast fireballs to the altar or the doors, with or without a colored crystal set in the inventory, tried every key of my keyboard in front of everything and yet nothing changed. Can someone give me a clue of what to do please?


(1 edit)

If you press e on doors with crystals embedded, inventory should open, then you need to put crystal with matching color in it.

 note that you cannot open skull door yet.

Thanks for playing.

OK, thanks :)

Nice game with a lot of content. While a bit rough, I had a nice time, a bit too difficult on the jump part but it's hard to find the right balance in such a short period of time.

And I quite liked the easter eggs :)