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ok im rlly sorry i just posted something i know

But there was a challenge i just heard about and i didn't get to do it so heres my addition 

The emotion i never show is when my feelings are hurt by a friend, it's landed me in a lot of bad friendships and its always been really controlling and manipulative and i always end up hating that person and its taken a toll on me mentally and emotionally 

OK thats enough of that

oh dang

don't worry we're all too awkward to hurt youuuuu

also don't let that happen to you, unless what the friend did to you was really hurtful/offensive. try not to let that happen when a small thing happens, since if you've known them for a longgg time you can think of all the great things you've done together. if you haven't known them for long, but they do something unsavory to you, give them a chance for the rest of the day/period of time you see them. we believe in you, and wouldn't truly want to hurt you mentally, emotionally, or physically ❤❤❤

Thank you,

I felt like in my last friendship ( we've known each other for 10 years ) anything would hurt her and my feelings weren't important 

we're here, and probably will be for a while! we love and support your choices, as long as they don't harm anyone 

(heart spam that represents my love and respect for you and everything you produce)




I feel you whenever I want to talk to my friends they make up some lame excuse and it’s hurts my feelings i know they don’t mean to hurt my feelings but it still does

don't worry, at least one of us is always online and will want to chat about whatever w/ you.

yea that’s why I like this website everyone is nice to eachother and we all relate to eachother 

it is literally impossible to be rude/mean when commenting here