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what up this has lil spoilers so if u didnt play the demo yet go do it thank

I didn t know this is a demo until i reached the end and said out loud "wait that s it?" so i complained (to myself) the whole game that i couldn't save. But now i know it will probably definitely be implemented so yee (and if not then (ง'̀-'́)ง)

Anyway i played the demo twice, the second time to see if i can cut the girls' hair or not (you can hooraaay good game) and see if that changes anything (it doesnt boooo) but it s a demo so i m not gonna complain. yet

There s really nothing bad i can say about this.
The art is absolutely wonderful, i like the main character, shit scared me a coupla times but i am a coward so i dunno how much that matters, and the little details you guys added like the lil spinning globes, the cute stars and hearts turning to 'thief' in the theatre club when you steal the key, no longer being able to turn on the lights or open the window, and the highlight of the game, drawing a butt on the chalkboard.
a masterpiece what can i say

i m talkin too much aight aight thats all good game can t wait to play the whole thing good day to yall