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So I've entered my little baby oc into a lot kf people's drawings but haven't given her a profile yet, ITLL BE SHORT I PROMISE 

Name 優しさ( yasashi meaning gentleness in Japanese) 

Birthday: December 25

Hight 5/3

Weight: 102 lbs 

Age: 16

Blood type: O

Personality: shy, quiet, really nice 

Allergies: penicillin 

Medical conditions: N/A

Ethnicity: maaaaaaagicaaalllll wooo spooooky

School: Idk school for magic or something 


See i said it would be short 

uhm if she's like 100 lbs. at 16 is she ok

Shes maaaaaaaaaagicalllllll woo, and nu she is not, sometimes she forgets to eat

Wait, thats light right?


a normal 12 year old is like 110

Huh i hit 100 in like October right before my 13 birthday last year now im 112 or something

dear god your're lucky

bc i'm not like overweight but i'm pretty tall and just l a r g e in general

Oh im s h o r t in my opinion im a L i t t l e b i t too big