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(7 edits)

Is there a way to bottem all the the way during Spencer's Route or no

**SPOILER** (idk '-') l


Like When spencer gives you a blowjob can the roles switch or no '-' Or is it back and forth? I know at the beginning you can bottem but then it changes and to me im the top later on. That collar looks pretty enticing I must say .♡ So far Great work with the game and All the updates so far . ^_^


As far as I know there is not. Dyne doesn’t write most sex scenes two ways just because that doubles his work. That first one with Spencer is the main exception to that rule.

That said, there are some choices that might lead to it later on? I’m not sure what he has planned for Spence. Though probably it involves collars and more brushing. >_>

It depends on how confident the main character is. my first play through, he topped me, and then the second time around I didn't realize i was choosing all confident answers and it switched.