Seasons come and go.
Oh, hi! ! I'm Mozu. Nice to meet you!
Ah, I've got places to be. Surely you do too...? No? Maybe my places are for you too!
Come along, the seasons beckon!
Now we're off to the post office, and maybe that new ramen place.
Oh, is it not that good? That's okay, let's find a place to eat that both of us youngsters will enjoy!
Oh, you caught me! I'd love to run around town with you, but class starts in a few minutes! It's only thirty five more of them until I'm free.
Stomp around on the crunchy leaves here!
Aw, they're all soggy. No sounds but squelches coming from them.
Oh, you like my hair? I grew it out!
The fall air changes me.

Brrrrr, it's cold! My ears are drooping from all the wind.
I'm just covered in frost!
Ah, you look colder than I am! Here, take my scarf, at least. Oh? I can keep it? You're too kind! Yes, I grew out my hair. It's like a little blanket over my head!
Let's stop at the coffee shop to get some hot cocoa later!
Aw, they're closed in the snowstorm? That makes sense, but it's still disappointing.
I think I have some chocolate mix at my house, though! Let's crunch through the ice and snow!
Oh, hey! I didn't think I'd see you at the community gardens!
Beautiful, aren't they? The flowers, I mean.
You want to hold hands? Isn't that a couples thing? Sure, it'll be cute!
I cut my hair again! It was pretty easy to notice, huh? I always get a spring haircut, and then cut it even shorter in a couple months!
Spring really brings out the life in me!
Seasons come and go.