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I don't want or need anymore VN's with “unique characters“. What I'm looking for are well written romances, that's all I care for. Depth and people you can relate to is more important than anything. Sure, all of these kinds exist, but at least Ican't identify myself with them.
Why would you want pervs or other “styles“? I really don't know... 
Okay, well as I said I haven't got much time on my hands. This weekend yes, though I used it rather to relax... and watch anime, sry. :c

(Played a bit “House of Beef“)

No, there hasn't been a CGI update, for mobile that is. If the PC versions have had one is unknown to me. 
The latest Santa Lucia patch is perfection. I loved every second. Although, Carlos still has his problems. Nice are the explanations we get, and how the MC opens up to someone about his sexuality. 
Devilizer told me his boyfriend Dzahn is American (half Mexican) and he French. They answer questions sometimes on their Patreon Stormsinger.

Inkling? Are you with your mind in some sort of parallel Splatoon world or...
I look gay? :0 why thank you. 🤗 Maybe I have an easier time finding a boyfriend, that way. How you jump to this conclusion is a mystery, in everyones eyes, but I like it. 
You could say traditional. I meant to say conservative instead. Are nice boys too hard to find? I want to know in general. 
Oh-kay? Then how do you make your point clear to someone else? In the written language this works: Fcousin, Mcousin, unless you write names of course. Because most names are male or female only.

Maybe there have been some DOA's under the 4, I transported. No idea~

Hehehe.... 😄 why wouldn't I? 
Well, in my story the MC is a helpless “waifu“, but the cuteness is overclocked, which balances it out a bit. And the writing is just super good.
I did read the first 1/4 of Perry Rhodan 146. For some reason it's not so interesting as it used to be. After so many books the stories kind of repeat themselves, or are similar in some aspects. 

Our computer is reaching it's end, unfortunately. The final countdown is ticking. The noises it makes are like the rustling of the ocean. If head cancer, caused by noise, was a thing, then I would already have it.
Didn't AoT publish a new season or am I going crazy? No, there was such an announcement.

Have you heard of a game called QuizzLand? I can't live without it anymore. Not only is it addictive, but you expand your 'general knowledge' easily and efficently.
You propably remember QuizzDuell. It's pretty bad compared to QuizzLand. (Although, maybe it is better after all this time. Idk/c)