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I got stuck on day 3 after came out the university.The police is out of the office.And the female professor won't give me the key.Also can't figure out how to open the ancient pendant.Completely have no idea what to do next.

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The university puzzle requires some rather abstract problem solving. I'm only giving out vague hints here, because I don't want to spoil the puzzling fun. After all, besides the story, that's what adventures are all about. So be aware, like with the other hints, this puzzle will still be hard as f***.

Best regards Christian

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As the university professor told you, she will only hand out the key to a police officer.

As the police officer told you, he won't let you inside the police office without Glocke's approval.

Pay attention to the item the professor gave you, Item - Item interaction is possible.

I put my phone in the envelope and gave it to the cop at the front desk, but when I got back to the bookstore, the phone was on the desk again. Is that a bug?

(2 edits)

Hi there,

just checked it, you are right, thanks for reporting these. Both strange occurrences are bugs indeed, you can ignore these, they are not game breaking and should not happen. You shouldn't be able to pick up the phone again at the bookstore after you gave it away. I'll see they are fixed in the next version.

Best regards Christian

Will this bug affect the next step of the game? Because nothing new happened after I handed over the envelope and the phone.

No, the bug won't affect progress, it's just a little confusing for users who discover it.

Just placing the phone into the police office won't get you inside, there is still another step you have to perform.

Still have absolutely no idea what to do next.This game is too difficult that I've been playing it for months.I need more HELP please😩

Yeah I know, I intentionally designed it that way. 🤗 Problem is nowadays there are very few challenging adventure games, because casual adventure games are way more appealing to the mass audience and therefore much more lucrative for the developers. Frustratingly hard puzzles and months of investment to solve a game isn't what the average adventure gamer nowadays is looking for. That's not bad per se, problem is the rising lack of diversity in the adventure game market. It all seems to drift towards easier and easier games, most are mere walking simulators. So to counter this tendency (only we indie developers can, because money isn't our motivation), all my games are way harder and way more frustrating than 99% of the adventure games released today. As stated in the game's description my aim was the level of hardness and frustration of a Sierra-Online adventure game, these games took weeks and months to complete without a walkthrough, not days, which is unthinkable nowadays. I hope it's somehow understandable, I mean there's a reason I put that frustration warning in the description.

Ok one last very very vague hint for this puzzle, which is also present within the game:

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The priest seems to be a good Samaritan.


I finally made it to Mexico.Looking forward to the next updates. And thank you for the wonderful game.😊

Thank you for playing my game and stay safe.

And when I put the pendant on the rusty barrel in front of the iron door, Peter would show up and talk to me.Is that a bug?

Yeah, it's a wrongly triggered dialogue, this shouldn't happen, you can ignore this. Sorry for the inconvenience and thanks for reporting.

Best regards Christian