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Thanks we worked really hard!  I personally have used Unity and Godot for some pretty serious indie work.  I love Unity, its what I did most my first real attempt at a game in but Godot is way nimbler.  That's something I have come to prioritize.  Unity's 3D is far stronger but the simplicity of Godot is something that allows, me at least, to fly through what needs doing.  At this point I don't think I'd go back, even for 3D as Godot is getting stronger there.  From what you've done in Unity you're more than capable of doing good work in Godot.  GDQuest and my personal favorite Gamesfromscratch are two awesome places to start learning the ins and outs but to be honest, where I am, a lot of times I go to Unity people like Brackeys and GameGrind see how they solve code problems and just go from there.

As to the camera taking a long time, this is a debate I had with myself for two days XD.  If we are allowed to update you can look out for being able to skip after you've played the game once before.