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You made me so sad with Mrs. Slitherss death... I used my floppy little torso to cradle her lifeless head as the music played to its end. She was my teacher... my only guidance in this eery nightmare fever dream world, and now she's gone... ;'(

Who will I make proud with my discoveries in the fog? Who will kill me with laser eyes when I misbehave? 

For real though I love how you did her fight and played on the fact the player has a default soft-spot for Mrs. Slitherss because she's the first character that actually speaks with audible words to you in the game. 

I pushed her body off and into the abyss, hoping she'd land in the graveyard and I could bury her, but alas she despawned when I got far enough down. :( 

Please consider letting me bury my beloved Juice Teacher in the next update and have her body be able to transition into the new endless-world environment below the school. Keep up the great work <3

omg yes there should be an option to spare her or to d r i n k h e r j u i c e and if you spare her you get to put her into a grave in the real plane