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(1 edit)

As you stumble through the forest after a nasty migraine washes over you, every sound seems to be ringing endlessly in your ears, magnifying itself and blending with the others. You feel like it's going to kill you. You don't know for sure, but at some point there might've been some stupid tabloid with the headline smushed onto the front page in an too-bold font that was talking about "the travesty of headaches" and how "they could be potentially fatal." Stupid magazine. 


A voice joins in the cacophony of ear-piercing sounds.

Hey, you! I know you can hear me, kid! Can you help me out?

It's suspicious, and you're tempted to walk directly in the opposite direction. But you want to see who it was, and to figure out why they would call you "kid." You're 5 10", but that should be tall enough to be recognized as someone at least... at least old enough to not be called kid. It's a risky decision, walking over, so you grab a sharp rock. Just in case.

As you walk over, you can hear the voice grunt. The figure is becoming more and more visible, and you don't like the looks of it. it's head appears to be near the bottom, the arms, still inconceivably tall, even when- wait. No. It's just one of those annoying elves.

Dude, are you gonna help me out or what?

The green-skinned thing is grinning, and is... 

Stuck between two trees. You think it's a girl, and her shoulders are wedged tightly in the branches. Her hair sparkles in the moonlight. The mushrooms growing on her sway in the breeze. Her cloak is pulled down to her collarbone, not able to be pulled through the two oaks.

You're wondering how she even got there...



