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The shift key doesn't honestly seem to work. I got it to once but then it wouldn't.

You have to hold down the shift button to increase your speed. Sorry for unclear instructions. Let me know if this worked for you.


I figured out what was wrong. It has to be the left shift key to speed up 

Yes, it should be left shift I think. Did you reach the end of the game?

Hi, this is the same person as before. Why after making the jump, when you try to go through the doorwayish thing you die?

in the second level

Okay I'm here. I forgot the ! in my username. So why do you die when you go through that doorway after the first jump in level 2?

Hello again!

Thanks for pointing that issue out. As this game was my first game, it is not polished and there may be some bugs. In level 2 there was a moving platform with spikes. Now that I have updated the game, it is visible.

Let me know if you have any questions or feedback! Have fun!

level 3, How do you advance? I know the second set of doors has only one you can go through, but after that how do I continue?

And also, gunshot marks behave as solid objects, you cannot walk through them

A few more things. Are the graphics fixable? It kinda messes with me. Could you make it so you can hold shift and jump at the same time? that complicates the game a bit. lastly, is there a reason for the key in level 1? Also, could I get your email address? It would make this a lot easier, and probably better for you too so potential errors aren't publicly pointed out.