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(2 edits)

I'm here just to do some school enrichment crap...

Name: Teku Lenole (TEH-ku LEH-no-lay) 

Attends Linose, (despite her constant refusal) under a scholarship from her parents. Is learning shadow magic, and the current unit she is studying is shape-shifting.

She is constantly ridden with acne, despite being covered in thick fur. The students at Linose tend to be... slightly more...evil than the normal witch or wizard, and so she feels as if she won't make any friends. She's in her first year, and only stays at Linose to study the magic. She owns a small snail, with antea with the ability to retract, tipped with hazel human eyes. The snail's name is Va'a Mata, and is constantly with Teku.

She tends to shy away from people who approach her, unless they are just sitting down next to her, or are completely silent. Her weapon is a slightly pointed stick, that she calls Harold.

Teku comes from a long line of anthropomorphic animals, starting with her great-great-great-great-great-great- grandmother and grandmother. (Yes, it was lesbian.) Everyone in her family studied shadow magic, as the umbrella term covers shapeshifting.

Her sexual orientation is asexual/lesbian, as she's too freaked out by Netflix and chill, but likes girls due to their ideas of a relationship.