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Hi 8BitWarior. I noticed a possible issue. I would like to run two tweens on the same object at the same time. The mode of a first is TWEEN_MODE_BOUNCE and the mode of the second is TWEEN_MODE_ONCE. So basically what I want is to rotate the object and also scale it up at the beginning and scale it back down at the end. The bounce one is not working, it uses the once mode. Following is my code:

self, // Target
EaseLinear, // Ease function
TWEEN_MODE_BOUNCE, // Tween mode
true, // Use delta time?
0.0, // Delay
0.3, // Duration

"image_scale", // Property
image_xscale, // From value
image_xscale * 0.9 // To value

self, // Target
EaseLinear, // Ease function
TWEEN_MODE_ONCE, // Tween mode
true, // Use delta time?
0.0, // Delay
0.3, // Duration

"image_angle", // Property
image_angle, // From value
image_angle + _angle // To value

I'll need to see if I can reproduce this issue. To confirm, are you using the latest version of TweenGMS?

I have tested out the supplied code.
In version 1.0.3 of TweenGMS in GameMaker Studio 2, it appears to be working as it should be.
Which version of GameMaker and which version of TGMS are you using?