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30 MAR 2020:

Second Scrapship demo is out now!

I'm really pleased with the progress made as you can see from comparing the two screenshots below.

So what's next for Scrapship?

New ships, new weapons, levels, level transitions and creative ways to make the game look a little less 2D.

I still plan on posting daily updates to this devlog . . . that being said . . . the last 20% of this game will take longer and be more difficult to finish and polish. I've enlisted help for some things such as sound effects and graphics assets, but there's still much to do that creates quite the workload for a solo developer.

Finally, I'm announcing a new approach to how I release demos: A new demo every month until the game is done!

For those those that played the demo, what did you think? Anything you'd like to see or stay the same?

Thanks for reading and thanks for playing!