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as a fellow game developer, I will give this a 10/10.. the art style was cool, music design was great. But there's one thing I didn't understand (or am I just dumb), I know there's a lot of clues regarding grace's past but I can't piece it together, Can someone clarify these to me


 and also, when grace broke up with jack, she live with don right? so does that mean they did it so that grace would survive? i really want to know.

for the developer, if you're doing a game again, we can do a collab. I'm proficient in C# and C++ (unity and unreal engine). hit me up if you wanna work together (doing this for free since this is my passion)

I would really like to know the answer to that as well. Anna implied a few things but we never got any confirmation

I think for you question about Grace living with Don she was lying about that because remember at the part where jack and Anna burn grace’s belongings in the field when they are leaving jack looks back at the stuff and says he sees someone in a window of an abandoned building which we later find out is indeed grace since Anna claims they burned the items in front of her so I think that after grace left jack and quit her job she ended up living in that abandoned building but didn’t wanna reveal that