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(4 edits) (+1)

I love this game, absolutely awesome Time Crisis style action, but even better, because you have to physically move instead of pushing a pedal. A real nice workout, too, because you will duck and cover and sometimes even lie on the floor :) 

Multiplayer Coop is great, makes this pretty hard game a lot easier. With limited real world space, you sometimes have to rely on your partner, because you can't hit every enemy from every position. If you get stuck, well, you can create a  "game over" by shooting yourself or, if you have the space, move in real life.

We tried 2 and 3 player cross platform games, and after the patch it worked like a charm. Had a few great rounds with Steam friends. Now with Coop this is my No.1 VR Game.

Big  "Thank you", developers, for fixing the issues so fast in these trying times.

Can't wait for CVrigade2 on Oculus Link.