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Thanks Ben! You really didn't need to check that carefully, since apparently I just missed one repeatedly, but I really appreciate the effort. Pretty sure I never got locked out of any areas with keys in them, even using walljump, so it's not a design issue. (This was pretty darn good for a first game, anyway.)

Also I actually like how walljumping was handled in Skelemania, because it's a tricky tool to use without a tutorial but it allows for so much more movement, so having it as a "secret ability" that you use to unlock extra challenges is really clever. Also, you definitely CAN lock your game with it in several places in that game, but the Blue Spirit warns you, so I really can't get mad about that. The only problem is that I played this game after getting good at walljumping in that game, so I found it easier to use than the triple jump (which changed so that in Skelemania you can do it stationary).

Sorry if I sounded grumpy, it must have been that Doomzone room with the spiked columns and the singing birds. MAN I hate those birds.