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(1 edit)

Hi! Absolutely astounding creation!!!!. I can't wait to play this with my friends, and online rooms built right in WOW. Unfortunately I have encountered a small difficulty, can you help me out? I have a 1280x1024 monitor, and it's not showing the edges of the screen!(the edges have the buttons on them), and there's no way to resize or fullscreen it. It seems to me the game sets the window to the monitor size on startup? Sorry to trouble you with such a mundane problem not exactly training an AI, LOL.

Hey VolatileDawn, thanks for the kind words! The window rendering stuff is a little janky right now, and I didn't test it at many resolutions. However, if you hold down the control key while the app launches, it should give you a menu that lets you change some settings. Play with that, and see if that fixes your problem. If not, I'll figure out a fix and cut a new build in the next few days. 

Thank you for your swift response! I tried what you said and not only do the other settings work, it disables the original problem entirely even with the default! in fact I can no longer recreate the problem, the default resolution is no longer stretching to the sides of the screen and nothing is cut off. So... it worked thanks! It also works in fullscreen but there's not exactly a way to quit the program besides alt+f4 XD