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Hi Harpchiefone,

You will need to have WinRAR or 7zip installed in order to unpack the archive. You can find these programs on google very easily. After you unpacked the archive, double-click the ".exe" file to start the game.

Enjoy the game!

- Linus from the Edgy Pixel Team


Thanks, Edgy! 


Hey are u still alive. what is with Pumpkin Hack? i played it but u locked it. Pls write me.

Hey there!

I'm really happy to hear that you liked our game. Sadly, I have to announce that the official release of Pumpkin Hack is postponed indefinitely at the current time. However, I have removed the password protection of the game's page in order to allow you to continue playing it with your friends if you would like to!

Best wishes,

- Linus from Edgy Pixel