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(1 edit)

Played through today. Such atmosphere. The sparse graphics and oblique voice-over really go to making the experience akin to automatic writing.  Playing through has that same feeling of co-creation as reading a's engaging with art and narrative I guess. How you can remember the strange unknowing poetry of childhood friendship much less evoke it in this form is a revelation.  The end of the game ***SPOILERS*** when it just 'crashes out' seems really brutal, was this intentional? A rude awakening? Can't wait to be able to wander round Fallow. I know your music must take a lot of your time but these experiences you create are amazing.

thank you so much! Fallow is out now as well :)
(also re: your spoiler comment, yes, that's the end of the game)

Thanks for responding. I'll have to wait until Fallow is on sale as I'm pretty broke rn. In the meantime I'll listen to the OST that you kindly put on your Patreon.