how do i keep the saves if i gotta update the game? (do i have to reinstall the whole game?)
ANYWAY Charlotte supremacy idc. Ryoko is fine but Charlotte is Charlotte
I think if you download it again you can update the app but I'm not sure if it works for all devices or if it even works so when your in settings while in game you can find RenPy export I think, it will give you a code that will expire in about 30 minutes, so I guess you can transfer data through that? Find more information by finding the setting in game
If ur using android, don't delete the game and reinstall it. There should be an option to update it by opening the APK.
On pc, locate your saves folder and keep it somewhere else and delete the game and reinstall it. After that paste ur saves folder into the game folder and you should have ur saves saved in the new update
Edit: I'm not so sure with the PC one cuz I'm using android but it should work if you know what you're doing