I have some references for MianMian, her MC sprite edited and also her entire design so you can see her outfit, she can be number 6 with a face with a small smile and a shy expression. 🫶
CAN İ GET JUDE WİTH NUMBER 2 PLEASE İVE WANTED TO JOİN ONE OF THESE 😭🙏🙏 he'd have a shy smile like this i think (i dont have any step 2 designs of Fio yet so shes out of this one)
CAN MARI BE NUMBER 1 PLS 🙏 (i did this template a while ago with her in this spot so yeh :D) For the expression i'd say like shy neutral or trying to hide her giggling sillyness
I actually haven't done an intro for any of my ocs yet, but could you add my lovely first mc bbg to it? Any number with a confident smile is ok!! (P.S. her hair is supposed to be a red-ish brown lol.)