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Is the server down? It gives me an error, I just bought the game too..

FATAL ERROR in Vertex Shader compilation
ShaderName: sh_overgang

D3DXCompile failed - result

at gml_Object_obj_intro_Draw_77
stack frame is
gml_Object_obj_intro_Draw_77 (line -1)

It seems different then the other errors on the page, I'm afraid I broke it.

Sorry- I'm impatient :(

Can like, literally ANYONE respond to this so i know if the server's down or if i broke the game i bought 4 hours ago and didnt get to play

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Yes you are very impatient xD

You probably can't brake this game 

If you played before and everything was fine i think it is server problem and you have to wait day only <3

In my opinion it will be fix on monday

I got it working!

I'd never played before, I needed a driver.

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Breaking down the error GML is I think Game Maker Language so the problem is inside the program. Shaders are used to custom render something not using the defualt game engine renderer. So no my guess is the servers are not down but instead the programmer has a bug in their code.