How do you summon an item? Theres the ` menu, and a summon command, but how does it work? If it is with summon, what are the item names or whatever?
You're welcome, try this commands in console:
Ghost for noclip
Walk for clip
God for godmode
Summon + (without +)
-Metal Scrap
Blue = Summon BlueSmallResource_C
Green = Summon GreenSmallResource_C
Red = Summon RedSmallResource_C
White = Summon WhiteSmallResource_C
Ability Crystal = Summon AbilityCrystal_C
White = Summon LargeResource_C
Blue = Summon LargeBlueResource_C
Green = Summon LargeGreenResource_C
Red = Summon LargeRedResource_C
White = Summon LargeResource_C
Blue = Summon Ore_Blue_C
Green = Summon Ore_Green_C
Red = Summon Ore_Red_C
White = Summon Ore_W_C
Bust = Summon CoreBust_C
Fat = Summon CoreFat_C
Legs = Summon CoreLegs_C
Muscle = Summon CoreMuscle_C
Size = Summon CoreSize_C
Bust = Summon GrowPotionBust_C
Fat = Summon GrowPotionBelly_C
Legs = Summon GrowPotionLegs_C
Muscle = Summon GrowPotionMuscle_C
Size = Summon GrowPotionSize_C
Ego = Summon CockGrowthPotion_C
Relife = Summon PotionOfRelife_C