my head hurts
Floppy ragdoll rpg sandbox with physics-based combat · By
I actually do like how the game works now, but removing the cap on the upgrades would be nice, but of course that would get a little op so i would personaly add enemy scaling based on your stats, with enemies getting stronger based on what you upgrade. (enemies do more damage the more health you got, enemies having more health the more damage you deal, ect ect.)
it would also be cool if bosses after defeating them for the first time also get difficulty scaling to make sure they arent a joke the second/third time through.
Enemies scaling off of the stats you have is not a good idea, as it makes stat progression meaningless.
I'd instead propose a "world level" in which enemies' base level increases based on what your current world level is, and maybe you could spend Juice to increase it, which would then increase your progress rate. This should also effect bosses as well.
I also like the idea of using "Core Stats" to improve them (Such as Muscle or Brains), while you could still invest Juice into advancing any of your "Minor Attributes" such as (Health, Health Regen, or Melee Damage).
I think that "world level" should increase based off of how many bosses and enemies you kill (like in Breath of the Wild or Tears of the Kingdom (some may not have heard of this- it's a hidden number)) because spending juice to increase world level instead of stats would make people avoid doing it (so that they can just get super overpowered and pwn everything in sight instead of actually gaining difficulty). I love how this whole thread is basically everyone just suggesting mechanics from different games.
Well, perhaps taking one too many pages from Botw and Totk's books, newer, stronger enemies (and variants like those already existent but stronger and with a differentiating feature of some sort- like "Blue Klown", for example) could spawn on top of the old ones. Then, you can have fun seeing new monsters (adding more gameplay value and perhaps replay value as well) and still feel like a god, pwning all of those little creatures with a +500% scale Draginslayer.
I think that new stats would be difficult to logically place in the game without some sort of new system for upgrading them (think Cult of the Lamb- corresponding bosses and characters drop/give items that let you upgrade them). For example, perhaps the Wawsp Queen drops an item that lets you upgrade Spirit.
why not both? how about juice being a currency to buy goofy shit like rocket boots or a chainsaw or even a literal weaponized blender but to lvl up your stats you get puree for things you do and you can even convert juice to puree. maybee even boss seeds as like a sort of power gem to make them more tempting to fight.
Выскажу свое сугубо субъективное мнение, но мне кажется, что прокачивать навыки во время их использования - плохая идея, поскольку это может привести к необходимости гриндить ради прокачки нужного навыка. Приведу пример кенши, где для того, чтобы сделать своего героя лучше в чем-то (например, в умении сражаться в ближнем бою) и при этом не тратить на это много своего драгоценного времени, вы нужно яростно гриндить и искать лазейки в игре. Еще мне не нравится идея ограничения оружия по характеристикам, потому что это не подходит этой странной игре. Мне кажется, ей подойдет отказ от большого количества скучных ограничений, существующих в других играх, ради развлечения..