Thank you for visiting this thread and for leaving your lovely and well thought out, insightful comment. It's always welcomed.
1) I never give, nor could give an ETA on when an release would be. I work almost daily on it, including at the weekends, but I'm a one person crew and there's a lot more behind writing the story, such as the coding, rendering, music and a massive list of other tasks too. So it does take a lot of time daily. Have been dedicating the majority of my time and life for the past two years on this game. That is on top of my own real life outside of dev work (as I'm only human). Plus, when a dev makes a promise, often in their real life or in development anything could happen to trip your progress up and make you miss your deadline... gives a great deal of stress, which devs already have and I'd not want to disappoint fans by missing a promised date, or lower quality by boxing myself in a corner, rushing an unfinished update out.
2 In-game you can via the journal see who the love interests are. At this current time Tiffany, Tara and Vanessa are the love interests. Any additional love interests would be added at my own discretion, but there won't be many (as it's not a harem game, or ever will be), due to keeping the balance of the game and focusing on the story itself, which is a horror slasher,
which means that there will be death. Players know that potentially the whole cast could die, or even yourself, or love interests (have to wait and see how it plays out).
I often post over on Patreon and If you use it, I'd highly recommend you following my progress also over on my official Discord server.
It is purely optional, but those that like my game and like what I'm doing, and have the means to do so I encourage becoming donors over on Patreon. This helps show their support and keep me going. For those that cannot, then their positive encouragement, and spreading the word of my game is equally appreciated.