There is a skip-button, but for some reason it doesn't work.
There's a choice to keep skipping after choices, but you can't actually skip anything.
This is a very mixed message... o_O
And makes it tricky if you want to go back to redo choices later, and it takes ages to get back to where you were. >_>
I wonder how many love interests there is in this game, and what kind of people they are..... There's nothing written on this page on it.
(I honestly almost didn't download the game for that reason. Impossible to know if there'd be anyone I'd like at all.)
Renan is the perfect guy for those who love Draco Malfoy. lol
(And I don't mean his looks. But he's blond too...)
Not quite my type, but I know he has a lot of fans.
....I keep expecting him to say "Wait till my father hears about this!" xD
Kary is clearly the laid-back flirty guy.
He also looks the part, so it wasn't too difficult to guess.
Loving a good (and lewd) joke, and all that.
The last option looks like the class-president type.
Stoic and studious. (But I am guessing as he hasn't said a word thus far.)
Clearly the mc need to learn to undress more.
How can you not like a nice and warm room? oO
(And by nice and warm I mean, like, 28 degrees celcius.
Maybe 30. If you go naked. lol)
Oh, the bird-slug! 😂
I'm curious to find out in what way wind magic could be useful for anything other than making a ship move.... oO
It seems as if choosing the room is not the choice for the love-interest.
But the next time you are to choose, that may be it.
(Despite not knowing anything about the third guy.
He's kinda just....there.) also seems as there is no choice to avoid romance in this game.
(Not that I particularly would want to, but it's nice to -have- a choice.)
How many ends does this game?
There is woefully little information about the game on this page.
....and that's the end of the demo.
So essentially....
The writing is pretty decent, as is the artwork.
The characters are... also pretty decent, if you like those types LI's.
The game is all round pretty standard for this type of game.
And that's pretty much all I can say about it from the demo.