Went through the visual novel in a couple of hours. This was a lovely little experience, creating a vibrant and cozy little world to slip into. If possible I would love to visit the Matinee Cabaret and all its feathery (and furry) folks. Some audio mixing and voice clips are a bit out of order here and there, but with the VA work already in the game, you're able to fill in the gaps relatively easily.
By far my favorites were Cap, Ven and Malbec. The loud and unabashedly herself -- the quiet-er avian with much more going on behind those spectacles -- and the big boss themselves who definitely totally did not make me blush like hell when addressing Chai in a certain way lol.
I've been following this artist for many years since I entered the furry fandom, and playing through this, it's amazing to see just how far she's come. Play this and send a few bucks their way to show support.
And Chai, thanks for helping me discover more about myself across all these years. Here's to you.