This is a fantastic game: very cute, and very fun. Nicely done!
I played it twice, and then lingered for a while at the end, because it is a wonderful little game.
There are a few bugs, though! For example, if you're being chased by the UFO when you teleport home, the UFO sequence continues after you're gone. (The UFO acts as though it's beaming something up from the now-empty teleporter pad, and then rushes off with the emptiness.)
It's also possible for the UFO to pick a destination point that is VERY close to the abduction point. In that case, the UFO will fly incredibly slowly--barely moving at all. This *feels* like a glitch, since the UFO isn't zipping away like it usually does.
Also, items seem to get picked up only when you move near them. Ideally, items would also get picked up when they spawn nearby. (Sometimes, you actually have to move away, and return, in order to pick up something that spawned right under your nose.)
In the starting screen, you have to click on the play button (a little triangle) in order to start a new run. Whereas, I kept expecting that the *movement controls* would let me navigate to the bottom right edge of the screen, where I was expecting to be whisked away to the next run. I had to keep remembering that that doesn't work!
Anyway! It is a very fun little game! I hope you win/won the Brackeys Game Jam, because it is that good.