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This comment has spoilers, So, if you haven't played this yet, go do that first.

OH MAN! This was incredible! That uneasy feeling I got when the TV said "You shouldn't play games you found on the internet, it could be dangerous" That line was SUPER effective! It was like "Oh man, I did do that, didn't I? What have I gotten myself into?" Even more so for me because I didn't get my copy off of Steam. This was the first game I tried after learning about and their free VR experiences. At first, just seemed a little sketchy when compared to Steam (I know now, is fine, but at that moment with this being the first thing I tried and THAT line.... I really began to question my life choices.)

I kept bracing for a jump-scare. I'm kind of glad going in that I didn't know that there were no jump-scares. Because when you're bracing continuously for a jump-scare but instead things just keep getting more bizarre and tense. It just keeps intensifying and building the fear. That's a WAY more effective and enjoyable scare than jump-scares, any day.

I love VR horror. It's my favorite genre. So, I've played many different VR horror experiences. This is definitely in my top 5! That's quite an achievement for being a free experience, under 20 min long!
You guys are going places! Can't wait to see more from you!