Hi there, thanks for playing and giving such detailed feedback! I'll go through your ideas below:
- Number stats: I agree it's probably not ideal, they are quite arbitrary and aren't specifically calibrated to aircraft performance. I will see how I can improve this UI in the future, though I can't guarantee I can make it work.
- Balance tweaks: The next iteration of ASE will have some balance considerations built in regarding how many weapons you are able to take and the amount of ammo available. Multirole aircraft will be able to take a greater variety of weapons, but less ammunition overall.
- The gun has just received an aiming rework to make it much more accurate. Hopefully this makes it easier to use. I think the damage tuning is about where I want it, but if you want more, some aircraft will have gunpods which fire together with the internal gun, so you can deal several times the damage!
- Bomb markers probably will remain 2D for now, I would like a bit more realism to the HUD and it would be annoying to program...
- The D-Pad in ASE is reserved for selecting and calling in allied support. There are only two missions with this in the current demo, but in the full release it will be a much more prominent feature. I will also limit non-multirole aircraft to 3 weapons overall (multiroles get 4), so it should not be too much of a hassle switching weapons. I'll see what I can do on the HUD end though.