I feel like this game has mentally broken me...
Like, one one hand I genuinely think this game is a work of art, like the worldbuilding, the soundtrack, the brutality, EVERYTHING here is so well done and I think it's a masterclass in what games as a medium can achieve...
On the other hand, WTF DID I JUST WATCH?! WHAT DID I JUST DO!??! THAT WAS HORRIBLE!!! Words cannot express how terrible I feel playing this game, the first time I played I felt like I was going to genuinely throw up!! This game just keeps finding increasingly morbid ways to kill my character, I keep thinking that they just need to make it a little further, they'll find some medical items and it will all be ok... BUT NO. I'll slip up and they'll experience the most PAINFUL, SLOW death ever!
Why did you have to make some voice lines use 2nd person Orsoniks, WHY!!?? Usually I hate 4th wall breaking as it often takes away from the setting, but it implies that the little fella you play as is aware that they are being controlled by some higher being, yet they feel EVERYTHING that happens, AND it reminds ME that ultimately I'M the one causing all it's suffering and misery!! Like, I'd still feel bad watching IT step on a beartrap, but I'm reminded that I'M the one that made it step on the beartrap, and that makes me feel HORRIBLE. It also implies that the ONLY form of self-control it has over it's own body is choosing to KILL ITSELF! AND THATS F*CKED!!
Just take my goddamn $20 donation Orsoniks. By god you deserve it more that the AAA slop. I really want to recommend this experience, because it is THE best-worst experience I've ever had, but if your a bit of a snowflake like me just be prepared what you're in for. It's not fun.
Can't believe I'm having a crisis over itch.io furry game. wtf.