I've been watching a lot of DnD recently, and wanted so badly to have a similar experience. But I don't really have an easy way to get into it, since I 've never actually played it and don't have anyone around me that does. So I went ahead and searched for some solo-Rpgs! I figured it'd be an entirely different experience, but it would still have that same "Roleplay! Get creative!" aspect that I wanted.
This one was the first one I tried, and I am very glad for it! I will admit this first round I've played was very rough around the edges; I wanted to sort of test the waters first, see how I was faring. There wasn't as much roleplay on the petitioners' part as there could've been, and I didn't even really finish the game before I stopped.
BUT! I still had a ton of fun with what I did come up with! I actually ended up using a D20 to determine the success of each of my performances (Got a Nat20 on the very first conspirator lmao) to sort of guide me a little bit for this first go at the game.
And! I got a Queen of Hearts as my King, which I interpreted as the newly throned only child (a young daughter) of the late king. The conspiracy was to Coerce Her. And I got so attached to that premise (since it already reeks of tragedy) that I ended up making designs for both her and myself. Since I technically didn't finish this first playthrough, I think I will have a proper session with those two characters at some point. Really see their story through, you know?
So yeah, thank you for the delightful little game!