A solo soulslike TTRPG · By Gila RPGs
When i try to download any of the PDFs and the .rar by browser says they fail virus scan and it wont download, this happens in Brave and Chrome...
I haven't heard of this problem before! Do you have a different device or browser to try?
I was able to download them using Firefox
Hello there, on a realm map, between two points, is there a difference between lines and dotted lines ?
Thanks for your answer !
It was in "the island" pamphlet, just saw that i needed a "climbing kit" for the dotted line. Sorry !
How do we make sure the Runes we make as a reward for custom maps are not overpowered?
That's hard to answer without seeing them!
As a solo game, the concept of being overpowered is a difficult one. Some people might like that, and others don't. Plus, the power of items is very much dependent on the context (the realm you're in, you're other equipment, etc)