whats your first ever name u named urself on n1.. me it was..
strawberry c-c-c-c-c-c-cat
Um, Guest ***, i can't remember the numbers, as a name, Chronyx
guest 9164
Alto, later Nermalto bc of my sister’s user name “Nermal”.
iirc it was Guest 3419 and after that it was “hi”
guest smth but i changed it pretty quick to whitehairedrabbit >:DD good ol og name
only you and a few others know my real og name hehe
>:) mmmmmhm
But first guest 9664
for me it was RAPID FIRE. Just that all caps no font xD
wallmart,nescio mors,wattlemart then ds gave me the name wattle but i scrapped that and now im scrap baahahaha
Literally Ryumizu
😭 che?? Why car
This is actually the initial of my name and its pinyin is 车🚗👉👈
:0 very cool